Friday, July 30, 2010

Research Project

Let me know what you think ~
Goals, objectives, and expected outcomes of the research investigation:

The goal of this research inquiry is to improve the educational outcomes in the domain of math for students served through special education at Lampasas High School.

Objectives for this inquiry include an investigation into the causality of students not being successful, implementation of strategies to adjust instructional programs to meet identified areas for improvement, and providing needed instructional and continuing development supports necessary to meet the goal.

The expected outcome for this inquiry is an increase in performance on state assessments by 15% each year and increases in student performance equal to or exceeding the performance of other inclusive campuses within Lampasas ISD.

Activities designed to achieve the objectives:

Activities to assist in achieving the objectives of the inquiry include a review of related literature to gain an understanding of the nature of the problems being faced by districts similar to Lampasas High School. Information will be sought to enable a comparison of the style of inclusive practices implemented at Lampasas High school and how they differ form the inclusive practices at other campuses within the district. A review of the staff development provided to Lampasas High teachers will be conducted to determine the level of support provided in order to prepare them to implement inclusive instruction.

Resources and research tools needed for data gathering:

Resources necessary for completing the research inquiry will include interviews and surveys of teachers implementing inclusive practices within Lampasas ISD. The research will include observations of inclusive classrooms both at Lampasas High and other campuses within Lampasas ISD. Data will be gathered form student records and will be examined for trends in student progress over time to look for improvement of static periods as they transitioned from campus to campus. The interned will be used to conduct a review of literature and identify readings related to the situation faced by Lampasas High.


The timeline for completing the research inquiry will be one year. Research will begin in the fall term with a review of literature. This will tentatively be completed by the beginning of October. After the literature is reviewed, the investigation into differences in inclusive practices will be conducted. This will involve observation protocols and surveys of participants in inclusive classrooms. The survey portion will tentatively be completed by the beginning of November. The next step in the process, a review of student data, will be completed by the end of the fall semester. Analysis of the data gathered and an identification of trends and possible interventions will be completed by the end of January. Changes and needed interventions will be implemented beginning in February. The strategies will continue to be implemented during the spring term. At the conclusion of the school year, data will be reviewed to look for success of interventions and adjustments, or patterns that still may need to be compensated for. A follow up survey will be conducted to gain insight into teacher perception of the interventions and their success. TAKS data will be used to gage growth over previous years. The program will continue to be evaluated over the next year to gage continued improvement. The summer break will be used to follow up on the initial research inquiries to assure all areas of the inquiries have been adequately addressed.

Persons responsible for the implementation of the research plan:

Primary Participants Include:
Christine Byrd, ARD Facilitator, Lampasas High School
Laurie McDaniel, Special Education Teacher, Lampasas High School
Mark Kehoe, Principal, Lampasas High School
Nancy Yeary, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Lampasas ISD
Kelly Adams, Director of Special Education, Lampasas ISD
Teachers and Staff of Lampasas ISD

Christine Byrd and Laurie McDaniel will conduct the review of literature. Christine Byrd, Laurie McDaniel, Nancy Yeary, Kelly Adams, and Mark Kehoe will develop the survey questionnaires. Surveys will be conducted on all campuses at LISD on a voluntary basis; the participants will be primarily teachers, paraprofessionals, and special education staff members. Christine Byrd and Laurie McDaniel will conduct observations of inclusive settings within Lampasas ISD. Student data information collection will be completed by classroom teachers, and then be analyzed by Christine Byrd, Laurie McDaniel, and Mark Kehoe. Recommendations for interventions and changes to instructional settings will be developed and presented by Nancy Yeary, Kelly Adams, Mark Kehoe, Christine Byrd, and Laurie McDaniel. TAKS data will be analyzed by Nancy Yeary, Christine Byrd, and Laurie McDaniel. Survey information will be analyzed by Christine Byrd, Lauire McDaniel, and Mark Kehoe. Data from classroom observations, benchmark tests, progress on IEP goals and objectives, and grades will be compiled by LISD staff, and then analyzed by Laurie McDaniel and Christine Byrd.

Process for monitoring the achievement of the research goal and objectives:

Progress toward attainment of the goals of the research inquiry will be an ongoing process. Initial data will be gathered in a pre/post format. During the fall term, a baseline will be established using TAKS data, and identified progress toward IEP goals and objectives. A comparison will be made in the spring term once adjustments to teaching strategies have been implemented. Grades, TAKS test results, benchmark test results, classroom observations, and formal assessment data such as testing for IEP progress and will be used to determine initial success of the research inquiry and subsequent teaching adjustments. Data from state assessments such as end of course exams and TAKS as it may exist, will be used yearly to gauge continued growth.

Assessment instruments used to evaluate the effectiveness of the research inquiry:
Instruments used to assess the effectiveness of the interventions recommended as a result of the study will include surveys developed specifically for the study, state assessment results, formal and informal classroom observations, and classroom assessment instruments used to evaluate progress toward IEP goals and objectives.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to working with you on this. I think we can make a difference and improve the learning of our special education students.
